(705) 327-3474 | 595 West Street S, Orillia, ON L3V 5H7

Store Hours: Monday – Friday 9-6 | Saturday 8-5:30 | Sunday 10-5

Update - The last early opening for the Bait Shop is this Saturday (March 15) at 7am
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Previously Owned Firearms

Online shopping is here, however online shipping rates are not yet available. You can now order and request a shipping quote or order and pick it up at our store. 

Online shopping is coming soon. In the meantime, we are working at getting all of our products into our online catalogue but most of our huge inventory is not yet available to see online. Come and see us or call us for full product availability.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Trombly's is hiring!

Do you love the great outdoors? Do you have skills and knowledge about fishing, hunting or camping?

We are currently looking for full and part time employees to join our customer service team. Fishing, hunting, camping and/or general outdoor experience an asset.

Call us at (705) 327-3474 to enquire.

Firearm Licence Verification

As of May 18, 2022, the Federal government requires every firearm licence (PAL) to be verified for all non-restricted firearm sales. Once a PAL has been verified via a government website, a confirmation number is returned, and the sale can then be completed.
In order to complete the sale of a non-restricted firearm, four pieces of information are required:
Your email address the RCMP has on file. If you are unsure of this email address, please log into the RCMP website or call them at 1 800 731-4000.
Your date of birth (DOB)
Two photos, front and back, of your PAL
Two photos, front and back, of government issued photo ID, eg driver's licence

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